The future of notetaking in Team Channels.
Microsoft have announced the phased retirement of Wikis from Team Channels beginning next month and offer note taking capabilities with the more feature-rich OneNote app instead.
OneNote provides:
- An enhanced note taking experience.
- Easy collaboration for the team.
- More scope to organise team notes.
- Rich editing features.
- Easy search and find.
What to look out for?
- You’ll no longer be able to create new Wikis.
- You’ll have the option to export existing Wiki content to OneNote in Teams Channels.
- New channels will come with a Notes tab powered by OneNote.
If you’d like to explore the OneNote app to create, and organise content for your personal or team notes, please get in touch and enquire about our 90-minute 365 Sprint: Organise Notes with the OneNote App at